Thursday, October 12, 2017

2 IN THE CHEST Face of the Dust Bowl Metal Show for October. Who will be the face for November?

.Reverend Black Jack McBride, Lead Vocals and Guitar.
Velvet De Blonko, Drums
Mortimer J. Butterfield, Bass & Backing Vocals
Jameson Jack Coburn, Lead Guitar

Welcome to the dust bowl known as 2 IN THE CHEST
True stories of the old west come to life on stage when 2 IN THE CHEST performs.
2 IN THE CHEST is making quite a name for themselves. When you go see a show it’s way more than just the music, it’s like busting open the swinging doors of a Saloon in the 1800s,
How about bellying up to the bar, and not only hearing the amazing music; but listening to stories from the old west that they tell during the performances.
Everything 2 IN THE CHEST does is part of that story. The characters, the clothes, the vibe…all are pieces to the incredible puzzle that this band has put together.
From beginning to end their set is a pioneering journey through the past, and everyone from young to not so young leave a 2 IN THE CHEST show with a smile and a never ending memory of the fantastic time they had.
They have a great eye for art and how to tie it in with the music that they write. Even the bands logo was meticulously hand crafted. Fronted by Reverend Black Jack McBride, this band of dead pioneers which by the way each have their own stories, (the stories are below) makes every show well worth the cover to get in whatever it may be. Both audibly and visually…you will not be disappointed. With Mortimer J. Butterfield on the bass, the incredible fingers on the lead guitar Jameson Jack Coburn, The legally blind female drummer Velvet De Blonko on the drums, and from time to time special guests. 2 IN THE CHEST knows how to put on a show! With their infectious heavy driving Rustic sound and their ghostly theatrics, they are sure to entertain.

If you are interested in becoming the face of the Dust Bowl Metal Show for a month please send band photo bio and link to a real video no lyric videos will be accepted. Must be currently performing. RBJM.DBMS@LIVE.COM